Vilhelm Bergsøe

Making an ASCII webcam for the console

Wed 26 Oct 2022 - 2 min read

picture of my guitar in ASCII picture of my guitar in ASCII

This video recently popped up in my recommended section, and it gave me a cool idea for a project.

The idea was to make a program that accesses your webcam, captures a grayscale image and maps each luma pixel value to a character in a character set that incrementally fills the font space and gives the illusion of a brighter pixel.

For example, a " " character would represent a darker pixel and "@" would represent a brighter pixel.

I chose Rust 🦀 for implementing the project, mainly because I haven't had a chance to use it much, and I believed it would be a fun learning experience.

The initial implementation of the program used a cross-platform webcam API called nokhwa. Sadly, compiling for macOS and Windows didn't work, and the API design got in the way of some possible optimizations I wanted to do.

So I finally decided to only support Linux for now and just used the v4l (video 4 linux) crate for getting the webcam frame buffers.

For profiling my application, I used flamegraph. A Flame graph is a visualization of hierarchical data, created to visualize stack traces of profiled software so that the most frequent code-paths to be identified quickly and accurately.

This makes it more obvious what the main time-takers of your application are and allows you to cut down their execution time.

For my initial implementation, the main culprit, taking up around 82 pct of the program, was image resizing. That's because you have to downscale the camera input to the size of the console, and only after can you map each pixel value to an ASCII character. I used image-rs's resize_exact(), with the Gaussian filter.

I eliminated a lot wasted time by using the fast_image_resize crate with the nearest image resampling filter.

This improved the performance greatly, but there were still unnecessary time-takers I could cut down on…

As mentioned before, I switched to v4l in order to improve performance. I only needed a grayscale image, but nokhwa only supported decompressing in the RGB format. By using v4l and manually decompressing the MJPEG stream I could skip the forward-backward which also helped out a good bit.

The last time-taker was writing the characters to the terminal buffer. I tried different combinations of stdout being wrapped in a BufWriter, using a buffer for each line, and finally just allocating enough space to fit the entire terminal buffer. This also helped out a good deal and allowed you to have a higher resolution "image" without noticable lag or scanlines.


Benchmarking the program before and after the optimizations mentioned above and a few more in a well lit room to account for auto exposure, I observed a 230% increase in average fps, skyrocketing from 13 to 30. It is important to note that 30 fps is the max that my webcam is rated for, and it's likely that it could exceed 30 fps with a faster webcam.

Overall, this was a really fun project and I learned a ton about rust and optimization techniques. I got to use cool tools in order to profile my applications and observed significant improvement in fps which makes my efforts worth it.

You can check out the repository here.

tags: [rust, asciicam, ascii, webcam]